At Vital Fusion we have extensive experience in bioidentical allopathic medicine. Let us explain. Bio-identical is the process of supplementing the bodies needs with biologically identical minerals, vitamins, nutrients, hormones, trace elements and anti-oxidants. Allopathic medicine is a philosophy which provides for the bodies systems to be regulated and restored to their optimum condition.

People with medical conditions that limit their ability to partake of balanced nutrition, absorption issues, dehydration, increased metabolic stress, recent infections/hospitalizations/or injuries, as well as people that are symptomatically fatigued, burnt out, and functioning below their peak as a result of the fast paced world that we all live in today.

One of our highly trained certified staff members which consist of Physicians (MD), Nurse practitioners, and Registered Nurses will establish intravenous access and safely administer the appropriate infusion in our well-appointed facilities or in the comforts of your own home. You will be closely monitored at all times. Your safety is our number one concern.

At Vital Fusion we follow the strictest of safety protocols to ensure patient wellbeing. All materials and techniques are highly controlled to ensure adherence to sterility. Our services are administered with a zero tolerance to possible complications.